Celebrating Father's Day - June 20, 2004

Celebrating Dad's New Job - June 18, 2004

Kristo joins the marketing department at Gray Plant Mooty on June 28th.

Goofing Around - June 10, 2004

Cousins Heather and Maddie prep for dress rehearsal - June 2, 2004

Visitors Therese and Jacob Buchanan - May 13, 2004

Fiesta de Cinco de Mayo - May 5, 2004



Celebrating Grandpa's Birthday and Grandma's AAUWness - May 2, 2004

Grandma AAUW MN President

pbskids.org with Carter Rogers - April 24, 2004

Becky's Apple Pie - April 10, 2004

Sticker Girl - April 8, 2004

The Patio is Open! - April 4, 2004

The "grill" is set up.

What's for dinner?

Celebrating Dallas' 89th Birthday - March 27, 2004

Getting a Jump on Easter - March 21, 2004

Baking Scones with Grandma - March 19, 2004

St. Patrick's Day - March 17, 2004
The Wearing of the Green begins early.

Home and ready to party.

Mrs. Belagi & The Dancer - March 14, 2004
Mrs. Belagi goes shopping.

Jiggin' to some Bluegrass.

Celebrating Bob's Birthday with the Axelson Girls - March 13, 2004

At Home 2003