Southwest Minnesota Weekend Getaway

June 21 - Darfur, MN Celebrates 100 Years
Why Darfur?

Why not?

Getting the scoop from some locals.

Beer and Mini-Donuts!

Just Mini-Donuts

Diving for candy.

Parade is over just in time.

June 22 - Laura Ingalls Wilder-ing in Walnut Grove, MN
The church where the bell that Pa Ingalls helped purchase still rings.

The original site of the Congregational Church (now a private residence)

The original site of Laura's school (now a private residence)

The hotel where Laura worked (now a private residence)

The Big Rock

On the Banks of Plum Creek!

Hannah, Pioneer Girl

Original Pew from the Congregational Church

Donna Plays "Buffalo Gals" on the pump organ.



The Jeffers Petroglyphs - more info here

Thunderbird and horse



Petrified ripples in the sand

Cactus in Minnesota